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The orphaned care for the people, devoted to charity, Xiong Xiling's lifelong dedication to "honesty" and "generosity" | family inheritance · Huxiang family Style Story

2024-03-19 08:52   来源:红网   作者:Yang Yiqing Chen Aonan Zhang Biwen   点击:

Editor's note:Family tradition is a collective identity based on the roots of Chinese culture, and is the spiritual footprint of each individual's growth。The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party pointed out that we should carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues and strengthen the construction of family tutoring and family style。This is the first time that "family discipline" has appeared in the report of the Party Congress。

"Only there are talents", why "Yu Si is prosperous", and many families in Hunan attach great importance to family tradition has a lot to do with it。Countless Huxiang sages not only achieved their own success, but also left a large number of family training, which was carried forward by later generations。Red Net Time News specially launched the "Family Heritage · Huxiang Family Style Story" series to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture and gather the spirit of The Times。

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Red net time news reporter Yang Yiqing Chen Aonan Zhang must Wen Fenghuang report

In 1931, the "918" incident broke out, and Xiong Xiling, who was more than 60 years old, ran around with his old and sickly body to fight against Japan and save the nation。

He issued the call of "struggle while still alive", and donated all his family assets to the Salesian Fund, in order to be alone, to exhaust the state and charity until the last breath of life。

There are many labels on his body: precocious prodigy, the first person to become the prime Minister of Xiangxi District, the philanthropist who devoted himself to the cause of charity education, and the first person to "naked donation" in China。

Swept by the tide of history, Xiong Xiling stood in the mysterious modern tide, taking official career, doing industry, doing education, doing charity...He suffered several low points in his life, but he was never broken by setbacks。

Recently, Guanchaojun drove more than 400 kilometers to Xiong Xiling's former residence in the ancient city of Fenghuang, approached the once "underestimated Huxiang celebrity", and explored what kind of legacy Xiong Xiling left for modern China, and how his family tradition nourished future generations。

Family, family tradition, tutor

Xiong Xiling, a native of Fenghuang, Hunan Province, was born in a military family with three generations of military service。

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Located in the ancient city of Fenghuang, Xiong Xiling's former residence, Xiong Xiling spent his childhood here。

Zhou Qiuguang, president of Hunan Huxiang Cultural Research Association, professor of History and Culture College of Hunan Normal University and doctoral supervisor, has been studying Xiong Xiling for more than 40 years since 1983。

Zhou Qiuguang believes that a person's growth and future aspirations begin with family education。

Family education is the first class of life, Xiong Xiling was deeply influenced by his parents。As a soldier bear father Xiong Zhaoxiang, the military has a degree, law enforcement is very strict;In family life, people are generous, filial piety parents。Wu, the bear's mother, was a thrifty and public-spirited person。

Xiong Xiling's public welfare feelings were deeply influenced by his mother。

Xiong Xiling's family once settled in Zhijiang, leaving a residence。Xiong later wanted to set up a private primary school in Zhijiang。Bear mother learned that after very support, immediately told Xiong Xiling in her name to write a report to the Yuan state, and will buy their own garden in the two Western-style buildings, garden pavilion and equipment, books, etc. (at that time worth more than two thousand silver) donated out for school use。

Not only that, the mother of the bear also said to the dissenting relatives: "Although the house is beautiful, and I shelter the Xiong family, which is if I shelter the children of Yuan Zhong County!"

Xiong Xiling has benefited from good family education since childhood. After he got married and started his career, he attached great importance to family education, especially the education of his younger brother and daughter。

In 1908, Xiong Xiling became the general office of Jiangsu Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Bureau due to the appreciation of Duanfang, governor of Liangjiang and Chen Qitai, governor of Jiangsu。This position has a lot of "oil and water" can be extracted, but Xiong Xiling sticks to his heart。

In a letter to his younger brother, he said: "My brother is always cautious, dare not use public funds, dare not borrow money in a wild way, but in the boundary of justice and profit, he is the brightest, the strongest..."

A few words reflect Xiong Xiling's way of being an official and a man。

Teach her daughter bear Zhi, Xiong Xiling put herself in the position of her daughter's studies and life choices made a lot of consideration。In his letters home, Xiong often shared his experiences and insights with his daughter。

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Xiong Xiling, Zhu lady and eldest daughter Xiong Zhi。

Because of the influence of her father, Xiong Zhi gradually developed a strong interest in education and chose to study juvenile education and education administration in the United States。After graduation, she wants to go to Western countries where early childhood education is more developed, and then return to China to devote herself to education。

Xiong Xiling learned that, for her analysis: "You want to travel, travel to Europe has two benefits, one can expand the knowledge, one can be with the same return, there is care in the way.。If we do not go to Europe now, but first return to China to study education, we must have experience and then go to Europe and America to study, which will be more beneficial。For these two reasons, the rest is still to be decided, for you to decide..."

After a detailed analysis of the pros and cons, he gave the children the space to make their own decisions。

Xiong Xiling not only used his own life experience and perception to do a good job in family education, but also formulated the family rules that restricted the words and deeds of brothers and sisters and all descendants - "Jianglingtang Family Rules", including family rules, learning needlework, repaying sacrifices, and knowing frugality。

Zhou Qiuguang sorted out six aspects and characteristics of Xiong Xiling's family style:

Filial piety, filial piety parents, do the commandments of the Son of man;To learn, hard to learn;Keep a home, must be diligent and thrifty, long observe the thrift;Standing, life must work hard to stand on its own;Conduct, life in the world, must be based on integrity and shame, adhere to the boundaries of justice and interests, not to private abolition of public, not to profit and forget justice;Realm, kind-hearted, warm-hearted charity。

Family tradition and family education have influenced Xiong Xiling's life and society through Xiong Xiling's charity work。

"Reform", "Help the generation" and "save the nation"

Xiong Xiling devoted his whole life to the cause of changing the poor and backward face of China。

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Courtyard of former residence of Phoenix Xiong Xiling。

In 1990, at the academic seminar held in Fenghuang County to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Xiong Xiling's birth, Zhou Qiuguang summarized Xiong Xiling's life with six words: "Reform", "helping the world" and "saving the nation"。

To this day, Zhou Qiuguang still believes that these six characters are very much in line with Xiong Xiling's historical positioning。

The so-called reform is to say that Xiong Xiling is a progressive ideological figure, he can be called a person who has always been ahead of The Times, almost his life in the pursuit of progress。

The so-called "helping the world" means that Xiong Xiling holds the ideal and ambition of helping the world, hopes to make a difference in politics, and tries his best to revitalize the country and the nation。

The so-called national salvation means that Xiong Xiling has a noble national integrity and dedication in his life。

During the Hundred Days' period, Xiong Xiling was "thrown into the cold palace" overnight because of his advocacy and innovation, and was punished by "never talking about his post and strictly restraining local officials"。

Instead of being unhappy, he actively looked for other ways to realize the value of life: reform and revitalize China's industry and education, and successively set up machine manufacturing, porcelain industry, and new schools。

After the Revolution of 1911, Xiong Xiling served as the finance minister of the Beiyang Government and later as the Prime Minister of the State。He issued a sweeping Declaration of the Major Policies of the Government, setting out a set of guidelines for the eradication of bad governance。

However, in the political context of the time, Xiong was unable to fully carry out his business plan。As a result, the disheartened Xiong Xiling completely withdrew from politics and devoted himself to charity relief and charity education。

The spirit of "fragrant kindness" will be remembered forever


毛泽东曾评价道:“一个人为人民做了好事,人民是不会忘记他的。Xiong Xiling has done many good things。”

Speaking of Xiong Xiling's resume, the most shining thing is to do such a great good thing - to create China's charity education。At that time, the public opinion praised him as "the originator of China's handling of the cause of kindness".。

Talking about the cause of Xiong Xiling's charity, Zhou Qiuguang analyzed in his Biography of Xiong Xiling that on the one hand, it was because of the influence of family tradition that Xiong Xiling "knew the discipline of his mother", inherited the traditional Chinese virtue and took saving people as his own duty;On the other hand, he sees it as a redemption for life's mistakes.。

In 1917, determined to retire from politics, Xiong Hee-ling was appointed to oversee the aftermath of a flood in Gyeonggi Province, and tried his best to pay for the exile, from which he began his "charitable life".。

In 1918 and 1921, he organized and established such charity relief organizations as "Hunan Yi Relief Society" and "Hunan Huayang Yi Relief Society"。

Among Xiong Xiling's charitable undertakings, the most distinctive feature is the education of salespeople。

In 1920, Xiong Xiling, who presided over the disaster relief, used the government subsidies and the balance of the disaster relief to establish the Xiangshan Orphanage in Beijing, which was dedicated to taking in unclaimed children after the disaster。

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Xiong Xiling took a group photo with the teachers and students of Xiangshan Salesian Kindergarten。

"To enable poor children to share the happiness of education with the children of rich families, so as to train poor children to be able to support themselves and become sound citizens.。Zhou Qiuguang said: "It can be seen that Xiong Xiling's funding for orphans is not 'blood transfusion' but 'blood transfusion'."。”

Influenced by his father's charitable spirit, after returning from studying in the United States, his daughter Xiong Zhi also continued her father's career, and later served as the president of Xiangshan Orphanage, and both father and daughter devoted themselves to charity。

By 1948, more than 6,000 orphans and poor children were enrolled in Xiangshan Orphanage. Among the graduates before 1937, more than 80 were admitted to Yan University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University, Beijing Normal University and other institutions of higher learning, and many of them were successful in their studies and became prominent talents。

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Beijing Experimental School (Haidian), formerly known as Xiangshan Orphanage, was founded by Mr. Xiong Xiling in 1920。(Photo: CNR.cn)

In 1973, it was renamed Beijing Lixin School, and in 2015, it was renamed Beijing Experimental School (Haidian), becoming a 15-year integrated school for kindergarten, primary school, junior school and senior high school。

The school inherits and carries forward the fragrant spirit of "patriotism for the people, charity, equality, inclusiveness and all-round education", and trains talents for the society。

Today, every year on May 17, Xiangci alumni and Xiong Xiling's younger relatives gather at the cemetery of Mr. Xiong Xiling in Beixin Village, Xiangshan, on the one hand to remember their ancestors, and on the other hand, to exchange ideas on how to carry forward the spirit of Xiangci。

In this sense, the spirit of charity and public welfare in Xiong Xiling's family style is not only passed down in the family, but also affects the society and carries forward in the larger circle。

"Mr. Xiong Xiling is a very loving and broad-minded philanthropist and educator, who has donated all his family assets to the society selflessly, and many people still come here to worship and mourn。Jia Luting, a docent of Phoenix XiongXiling Former Residence, said to Guanchaojun: "I also hope that more people can understand and pass on the story and spirit of Mr. Xiongxiling.。”


That's what he said and that's what he did。

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Zhou Qiuguang。

Guest comments:

Zhou Qiuguang: Today's society still calls for philanthropists like Xiong Xiling

Xiong Xiling's whole life was devoted to the hardship, the suffering of the state, the suffering of the people, and the happiness of poor children.In his later years, he devoted himself to fighting Japan and saving the nation, which is always worthy of respect and memory from later generations。

Original link:http://moment.rednet.cn/pc/content/646847/52/13641909.html

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